There has over the last few months been a real tidal change when it comes to marketing… If you hark back some twenty years; brands shouted what they were to their customers and customers listened. Nowadays; most brands are much more open to being told by their customers what their brand is; with a few exceptions such as Apple who have a closed-door policy, because they can.
This trend has now reached smaller brands; our customers are feeling empowered through becoming little publishers and as such are more forthcoming with their brand feedback; telling us what we are as opposed to the other way round.
This is termed as Earned Content as opposed to Owned or Paid Content; and makes for a much more engaging and interesting brand story for you.
So here are my tips to help encourage forthcoming earned content:
- Incentivise customers to publish pictures/ videos or copy through competitions on social media.
- Remember to prompt them to tag you with your handle or a particular hashtag you might be using e.g #bestinthebusiness
- Applaud them for their marketing
- Enjoy the knock on effect!
Go have some fun with your customers and build your story together!
The End