Where has this year gone? I hear you exclaim.. and as Christmas knocks on our door once more, it is time to capitalise on the buzz word that is #Christmas.
The following are a few marketing pointers for you lovely smaller businesses so that you can reap what you sow at this point in the calendar year.
- Thank your customers. No matter what your industry, this action of kindness can only be met with a smile. Whether you send them toffee or just an email, it will encourage them to keep their business with you.
- If you are in the retail industry make use of hashtags on social media. Use tags like #perfectgift #giftideas #presentideas #christmasgifts as people will be searching under these terms in order to find that special something.
- Warm your marketing up with less salesy messages such as ‘Happy Christmas’ or ‘Hello December’.
- Are you in retail? Don’t forget #blackfriday – this year it is on Friday 25th November. Remember to guide your customer from as many different places as possible to your website, such as online platforms like blogs and social media; as well as in store flyers etc.
Go, flee, market your brand and prosper!