Face to Face Sells



Over the past few weeks I have upped the ante when it comes to attending networking events and I will tell you the reason why.

We all know that attending an event takes a bit more effort, time and perhaps even money than some other marketing activities, but I am telling you now they are as important if not more than ever in this techy world.

People buy people.

Whether you’re in a department store shopping for a new foundation or at a drink’s party chatting to a mortgage advisor, that face to face exchange is priceless.

You cannot build the same rapports over social media or even telephone to the same extent, you just can’t.

In fact there are studies that show, the more outlandish the location you encounter someone you may buy or sell to, the more success you may have. Naturally there has to be a latent or prominent requirement for the product or service for an exchange to happen, however I guess it is that out of context setting which can make the conversation ever more interesting!

A face to face also provides the perfect stage from which to tell your story, using your body language, eye contact and all of those other ways of communication to do your thing!

I am heading out now to attend an Opera and hope to meet someone who owns a hot air balloon company and who knows, I may well book a ride!

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